Background: Redistribution of beady heat decreases core temperature mo
re during general than regional anesthesia, However, the combination o
f anesthetic-and sedative-induced inhibition may prevent effective upp
er-body thermoregulatory responses even during regional anesthesia, Th
e extent to which each type of anesthesia promotes hypothermia thus re
mains controversial. Accordingly, the authors evaluated intraoperative
core hypothermia in patients assigned to receive spinal or general an
esthesia, They also tested the hypothesis that the efficacy of active
postoperative warming is augmented when spinal anesthesia maintains va
sodilation. Methods: Patients undergoing lower abdominal and leg surge
ry mere randomly assigned to receive general anesthesia (isoflurane an
d nitrous oxide; n = 20) or spinal anesthesia (bupivacaine; n = 20), F
luids were warned to 37 degrees C and patients were covered with surgi
cal drapes. However, no other active warming was applied during operat
ion. Ambient temperatures were maintained near 20 degrees C. After ope
ration, patients were warmed with a full-length, forced-air cover set
to 43 degrees C. Shivering, when observed, was treated with intravenou
s meperidine, Results: The mean spinal analgesia level, which was at t
he sixth thoracic level during surgery, remained at the T12 dermatome
after 90 min after operation. Core temperatures did not differ signifi
cantly during surgery and decreased to 34.4 +/- 0.5 degrees C and 34.1
+/- 0.4 degrees C, respectively, in patients given spinal and general
anesthesia, After operation, however, core temperatures increased sig
nificantly faster (1.2 +/- 0.1 degrees C/h vs. 0.7 +/- 0.2 degrees C/h
, mean +/- SD; P < 0.001) in patients given spinal anesthesia. Consequ
ently, patients given spinal anesthesia required less time to rewarm t
o 36.5 degrees C (122 +/- 28 min vs. 199 +/- 28 min; P < 0.001). Concl
usions: Comparable intraoperative hypothermia during general and regio
nal anesthesia presumably resulted because the combination of spinal a
nesthesia and meperidine administration obliterated effective peripher
al and central thermoregulatory control. Vasodilation increased the ra
te of core rewarming in patients after operation with residual lower-b
ody sympathetic blocks, suggesting that vasoconstriction decreased per
ipheral-to-core heat transfer after general anesthesia.