Current methods of radioligand synthesis for the vesamicol receptor ei
ther utilize bioactive unlabeled precursors and/or generate unlabelled
bioactive by-products. The presence of these compounds in the radiotr
acer preparation increases the risk of adverse pharmacological reactio
ns in animals. To eliminate the risk of such reactions, we have synthe
sized the novel radioligand [F-18]FBT from two inactive precursors, [F
-18]fluorobenzyl iodide and trozamicol. (+)- and (-)-[F-18]FBT were sy
nthesized in 57-85% yield, from [F-18]fluorobenzyl iodide and (+) and
(-)-trozamicol, respectively. In the rat brain, comparable levels of (
-)-[F-18]FBT were found in the striatum, cortex, cerebellum and hippoc
ampus during a 3 h period. In contrast, the striatum:cerebellum, corte
x: cerebellum and hippocampus: cerebellum ratios for (+)-[F-18]FBT inc
reased from unity at 5 min post-injection to 2.8, 1.4 and 1.7, respect
ively, at 3 h. Therefore, (+)-[F-18]FBT may be potentially useful for
mapping vesamicol receptor density in vivo.