Objective: To evaluate the speech performance of children with the Cla
rion Multi-Strategy Cochlear Implant. Patients: Prelingually deafened
children who had received the Clarion implant.Methods: The Spondee and
Monosyllable Word Identification subtest of the Early Speech Percepti
on test, the Glendonald Auditory Screening Procedure (GASP), and the P
honetically Balanced Kindergarten test (PB-K) were administered to sub
jects 3 and 6 months after implantation. Results: At 3 months, subject
s' performance was higher than preoperatively with hearing aids. At 6
months, performance improved further. Scores were higher on the ESP an
d GASP than on the PB-K. The scores indicate better levels of speech r
ecognition than were obtained with older implant processing strategies
. Subjects varied considerably in their performance. The results are p
reliminary because of the small sample.