Using surface immunofluorescence isolate-specific antigens were detect
ed on the membrane of erythrocytes infected with Babesia parasites. In
addition, the strains reacted differently with Plasmagel in that the
European isolate (B.c, canis) could be purified on Plasmagel effective
ly, whereas infected erythrocytes of the South-African isolate (B.c. r
ossi) could not. Experimental infection of dogs with Babesia canis iso
lates from geographically different areas revealed different pathology
. The European isolate obtained from France exhibited transient parasi
taemia, usually below 1 %, associated with low PCV values and congesti
on of internal organs. Clinical disease was correlated with an effect
on the coagulation system, and not with peripheral parasitaemia. Infec
tion of dogs with South-African-derived isolate induced high parasitae
mia usually much higher than 1 %, which required chemotherapeutic trea
tment. In these animals clinical disease was correlated with periphera
l parasitaemia and not with parameters of the coagulation system. The
results show that the etiology of disease caused by these isolates of
B.c. canis and B.c. rossi is different. This might have implications f
or the development of vaccines against these infections.