Posttraumatic stress disorder is a disorder with an identifiable etiol
ogical factor (exposure to a traumatic event) and with a complex sympt
omatology (ie intrusive memories, avoidance, hyperarousal) that sugges
ts dysfunction in multiple psychobiological systems. This review consi
ders studies of the neurobiological consequences of acute and chronic
stress showing that traumatic experiences can produce long-lasting alt
erations in multiple neurochemical systems. The role of the locus coer
uleus noradrenergic system, prefrontal cortex dopaminergic system, end
ogenous opiates, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and cortico-rele
asing factors are reviewed. Several models of PTSD are highlighted, in
cluding fear conditioning, kindling, and sensitization. In particular,
fear conditioning to explicit and contextual cues is proposed as a mo
del for intrusive memories reactivated by trauma-related stimuli and h
yperarousal, respectively. It is argued that the amygdala plays a cruc
ial role in the encoding and retrieval of fear memories activated by s
pecific stimuli that have been associated with aversive events, Associ
ation involving more complex environmental stimuli and aversive events
may require the involvement of the hippocampus and the bed nucleus of
the stria terminalis. Repeated activation of conditioned fear memorie
s may produce a kindling-like process which results in spontaneous int
rusive memories.