L. Pentchev et al., STUDIES OF ELECTRODELESS STREAMER TUBE PROPERTIES FOR THE KASCADE EXPERIMENT, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 399(2-3), 1997, pp. 275-284
Plastic streamer tubes are investigated with the aim to improve the op
eration stability and the response of the strips placed above and belo
w the chambers. If negative HV is applied to the profile, a deteriorat
ion of the strip response and a shift toward higher values of the volt
age plateau compared with the case of applying positive HV to the wire
, is observed. This is explained by the influence of the cover resisti
vity on the electric field in the tube. Stable operation and low-volta
ge plateau is observed when using various dielectric materials with lo
w resistivity (10(11)-10(12) Omega cm) as a cover material.