Previous studies showed that activated carbons exhibit significantly d
ifferent behavior for the removal of phenolic compounds in the presenc
e and absence of molecular oxygen. Increase in capacity under oxic con
ditions (presence of oxygen) as high as 2.5 fold was observed for 2-me
thylphenol adsorption on a bituminous coal-based activated carbon. The
present study was initiated to evaluate some of the possible mechanis
ms of oxidative coupling of phenols that are promoted by the activated
carbon surface and result in such a significant increase in capacity.
In particular, acidic and basic surface functional groups and metals
and metal oxide complexes that are commonly present on activated carbo
n surface were investigated for their role in catalyzing oxidative cou
pling of phenolic compounds under oxic conditions. Bituminous coal-bas
ed carbon and a carbonaceous resin were used as model adsorbents, whil
e 2-methylphenol and 2-chlorophenol were used as model adsorbates in t
his study. Metal content was altered either by prolonged acid washing
of activated carbon or by addition of metal oxides to the carbonaceous
resin using the incipient wetness method. Oxygen containing acidic an
d basic surface functional groups were modified by outgassing at diffe
rent temperatures or by exposure of outgassed carbons to oxygenated wa
ter. Freundlich isotherm parameters and solvent extraction efficiencie
s for virgin and modified varieties of these adsorbents have shown tha
t none of the parameters investigated in this study have a significant
impact on the exhibited adsorptive and catalytic properties of activa
ted carbon under oxic and anoxic conditions. It appears that oxygen-co
ntaining basic surface functional groups are primarily responsible for
the catalytic properties of activated carbon towards oxidative coupli
ng of phenolic compounds. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.