Significant refractive errors are common among older children and adul
ts with Down syndrome, We examined infants and children with Down synd
rome to determine the prevalence of these errors at younger ages. Nonc
ycloplegic retinoscopy was used to determine the refractive state of 9
2 infants and children with Down syndrome, aged 1 months to 12 years,
The results for infants show a similar distribution of refractive erro
rs in patients with Down syndrome and an age-matched control group. Ho
wever rather than a narrower distribution for the older age groups, as
is the case with the controls, the distribution is wider, and the pre
valence of refractive errors (including astigmatism) is higher among y
oung children with Down syndrome than among controls, This high preval
ence of refractive defects cannot be explained by the presence of stra
bismus or other pathologies.