Purpose: The purpose of this report is to review the presenting sympto
ms and signs, treatment regimens used, complications encountered, and
outcome in a cohort of patients with ocular rosacea, Methods: The medi
cal records of 131 patients with a diagnosis of ocular rosacea were re
viewed retrospectively. Data were entered in a tabulated form, and a d
escriptive analysis was performed. Results: The age range at presentat
ion was between 23, and 85 years (mean, 56 years). Cutaneous manifesta
tions of rosacea were present in 112 of the patients at their first vi
sit. The most common presenting symptoms were foreign body sensation a
nd burning, and the most common signs were telangiectasia and irregula
rity of lid margins, and meibomian gland dysfunction, Thirteen patient
s had decreased visual acuity at the time of presentation due to corne
al complications. Six of these patients required penetrating keratopla
sty during the course of their disease. Seven patients had severe cica
trizing conjunctivitis at the time of referral. One hundred thirteen p
atients were treated with oral tetracycline derivatives. Seven patient
s were left with visual acuity less than 20/400, and one patient under
went enucleation for corneal perforation and endophthalmitis. Conclusi
ons: Ocular rosacea is a common disease involving the skin and the eye
s, It is widely underdiagnosed by many ophthalmologists despite the bl
inding potential. Successful therapy requires a multidisciplinary appr