From 1991 to 1996 we investigated how the breeding cycle of King Pengu
ins Aptenodytes patagonicus, in a small colony at South Georgia, was a
ffected by variation in food availability between years. During the fi
rst (1992) and third (1996) of the three successful cycles studied, fo
od was plentiful, whereas food availability was lower during the secon
d cycle (1994). We found (1) the duration of breeding was longer (455
days) in 1994 compared to 1992 (437 days) and 1996 (438 days), (2) few
er birds made late breeding attempts in 1994 (38%) than in 1992 (88%)
and 1996 (70%), and (3) those birds that made late attempts laid their
egg later in 1994 (mean 16 March) compared to 1992 (19 February) and
1996 (21 February). We conclude that the breeding timetable changed in
response both to the reduced availability of food in 1994 and to the
subsequent improved conditions in 1996. This suggests that annual vers
us biennial breeding in King Penguins is dependent on the availability
of food and the condition of the birds.