The generalized complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, partial derivative(t
)A = RA + (1 + inu)DELTAA - (1 + imu)\A\(2sigma)A, has been proposed a
nd studied as a model for ''turbulent'' dynamics in nonlinear partial
differential equations. It is a particularly interesting model in this
respect because it is a dissipative version of the Hamiltonian nonlin
ear Schrodinger equation possessing solutions that form localized sing
ularities in finite time. In this paper we investigate existence and r
egularity of solutions to this equation subject to periodic boundary c
onditions in various spatial dimensions. Appropriately defined weak so
lutions are established globally in time, and unique strong solutions
are found locally. A new collection of a priori estimates are presente
d, and we discuss the relationship of our results for the complex Ginz
burg-Landau equation to analogous issues for fluid turbulence describe
d by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.