Spike trains from neurons are often used to make inferences about the
underlying processes that generate the spikes, Random walks or diffusi
ons are commonly used to model these processes; in such models, a spik
e corresponds to the first passage of the diffusion to a boundary, or
firing threshold, An important first step in such a study is to fit fa
milies of densities to the trains' interspike interval histograms; the
estimated parameters, and the families' goodness of fit can then prov
ide information about the process leading to the spikes, In this paper
, we propose the generalized inverse Gaussian family because its membe
rs arise as first passage time distributions of certain diffusions to
a constant boundary, We provide some theoretical support for the use o
f these diffusions in neural firing models, We compare this family wit
h the lognormal family, using spike trains from retinal ganglion cells
of goldfish, and simulations from an integrate-and-fire and a dynamic
al model for generating spikes, We show that the generalized inverse G
aussian family is closer to the true model in all these cases.