Klipspringers deposit scent marks in the form of secretion from the pr
eorbital glands on branches of low trees and shrubs within their terri
tories. Local environmental factors which affect choice of scent-marki
ng sites in a population of wild klipspringers in Zimbabwe are describ
ed. Scent marks were typically placed within a narrow vertical range a
t the end of upward-pointing twigs. Twigs were more likely to be selec
ted if they were located above bare rock, particularly if the ground w
as raised above the immediately surrounding area or was close to a sig
nificant break in slope. A substantial proportion of sites were placed
on dead wood. Marking sites may remain in use for a number of years,
with turnover rates calculated at between 1 and 2% per annum. The spec
ies of tree on which marks were placed were recorded and compared with
overall abundance in the habitat. Palatable tree species were found t
o be selected preferentially when compared to unpalatable ones. Severa
l explanations for this are compared. It is concluded that, simply thr
ough preferential selection of certain local characteristics, klipspri
ngers may enhance the visibility and predictability of their scent mar