Spores of the biocontrol agent Trichoderma harzianum P1 produced in li
quid media and harvested in the stationary sporulation stage SSS (afte
r 60 h), had higher viability after slow (>4x) and fast drying (>12x)
than their counterparts harvested in the exponential sporulation stage
, ESS (after 30 h). The trehalose content of SSS spores was almost 20x
higher than that of ESS spores (0.16 vs. 3.4 mg/100 mg, respectively)
. Heat shock (40 degrees C x 90 min) effectively increased the trehalo
se content 2.5x with respect to untreated SSS spores. The trehalose co
ntent achieved in heat-treated SSS spores was almost 60% higher than t
he maximum reached by holding the spores under water-stress at 97% rel
ative humidity prior to drying.