High soy consumption leading to high exposures of soy isoflavones has
been associated with a reduced risk of cancers at many sites. As part
of a study focusing on the chemopreventive mechanisms, we have investi
gated the modulating effects of daidzein, a prominent and more bioavai
lable isoflavone in soy foods, on murine immune function. Swiss mice w
ere fed daidzein at various doses daily for seven consecutive days. At
high doses (20 and 40 mg/kg), daidzein exerted a stimulatory effect o
n nonspecific immunity, as shown by increases in the phagocytic respon
se of peritoneal macrophages and thymus weight, in a dose-dependent ma
nner. Augmentation of spleen immunoglobulin M-producing cells against
sheep red blood cells demonstrated an activation of humoral immunity.
Enhanced cell-mediated immunity was also observed as increases in lymp
hocyte proportion of peripheral blood. However, no significant immunor
egulatory effect was Sound when mice were fed 10 mg/kg daidzein. These
results demonstrate for the first time that daidzein at high doses en
hances several immunologic functions and suggest a novel approach to u
nderstanding the mechanism(s) by which soy foods may contribute to obs
erved cancer prevention.