In Jive experiments, Leishmania (Leishmania) major (MRHO/SU/59/P-strai
n) grew poorly when seeded in FYTS medium supplemented with 15% fetal
calf serum, but presented several peculiar pairs of promastigotes diam
etrically opposed and attached at their posterior ends (5.8-13.5%). As
seen in Giemsa-stained smears, a ring-like line and/or an enlargement
, generally occurred at the parasite junction. A close proximity of nu
clei, which sometimes were difficult to distinguish Sr om each other;
was also observed at this junction. Several of these pairs appeared to
be composed of fused cells in which the nuclei could be apparently fu
sed, as shown by fluorescence microscopy to detect beta-tubulin and DN
A, and bit scanning electron microscopy. Under other culture condition
s these pairs were absent or occurred at very low rates (0.2-2.2%). Su
ch pairs differ markedly from longitudinally dividing cells and resemb
le those described in two other Leishmania species, as well as in Herp
etomonas megaseliae and Phytomonas davidi, suggesting steps of a putat
ive sexual process.