We reported previously that treatment with antibody to transforming gr
owth factor-beta (TGF-beta) caused a marked attenuation of bleomycin (
BL)-induced lung fibrosis (LF) in mice. Decorin (DC), a proteoglycan,
binds TGF-beta and thereby down regulates all of its biological activi
ties. In the present study, we evaluated the antifibrotic potential of
DC in a three-dose BL-hamster model of lung fibrosis. Hamsters were p
laced in the following groups: (1) saline (SA) + phosphate-buffered sa
line (PBS) (SA + PBS); (2) SA + DC; (3) BL + PBS; and (4) BL + DC. Und
er pentobarbital anesthesia, SA (4 mL/kg) or BL was instilled intratra
cheally in three consecutive doses (2.5, 2.0, 1.5 units/kg/4 mt) at we
ekly intervals. DC (1 mg/mL) or PBS was instilled intratracheally in 0
.4 mL/hamster on days 3 and 5 following instillation of each dose of S
A or BL. In week 4, hamsters received three doses of either DC or PBS
every other day. The hamsters were killed at 30 days following the fir
st instillation, and their lungs were appropriately processed. Lung hy
droxyproline levels in SA + PBS, SA + DC, BL + PBS, and BL + DC groups
were 965, 829, 1854, and 1387 mu g/lung, respectively. Prolyl hydroxy
lase activities were 103, 289, and 193% of SA + PBS control in SA + DC
, BL + PBS, and BL; DC groups, respectively. The myeloperoxidase activ
ities in the corresponding groups were 222, 890, and 274% of control (
0.525 units/lung). Intratracheal instillation of BL caused significant
increases in these biochemical markers, and instillation of DC dimini
shed these increases in the BL + DC group. DC treatment also caused a
significant reduction in the infiltration;of neutrophils in the bronch
oalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of hamsters in the BL + DC group. Howeve
r, DC treatment had little effect on BL-induced increases in lung supe
roxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxidation and leakage of plasma
proteins in the BALF of the BL + DC group. Hamsters in the BL + PBS g
roup showed severe multifocal fibrosis and accumulation of mononuclear
inflammatory cells and granulocytes. In contrast, hamsters in the BL
+ DC group showed mild multifocal septal thickening with aggregations
of mononuclear inflammatory cells. Hamsters in both control groups (SA
+ PBS and SA + DC) showed normal lung structure. Frozen lung sections
following immunohistochemical staining revealed an intense staining f
or EDA fibronectin and collagen type I in the BL + PBS group as compar
ed with all other groups. It was concluded that DC potentially offers
a novel pharmacological intervention that may be useful in tl-eating p
ulmonary fibrosis. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.