Background: There have been many case reports of substantial renal dis
ease in association with anticoagulation, yet the intensity of anticoa
gulation has changed over the years. In 1986, the American College of
Chest Physicians and the Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommended
a decrease in anticoagulation intensity. In addition, a variety of new
methods to investigate hematuria have evolved, including computed tom
ography and red blood cell morphologic analysis. Because of these deve
lopments, we initiated a prospective study to evaluate the relationshi
p between anticoagulation, microscopic hematuria, and major genitourin
ary tract disease. Methods: To determine the incidence, prevalence, an
d cause of microscopic hematuria, patients receiving longterm anticoag
ulation therapy and controls not receiving such therapy were monitored
with monthly urinalyses in a 2-year prospective study. Patients who d
eveloped hematuria were further studied for genitourinary tract diseas
e. The incidence of hematuria was analyzed with regard to relative lev
els of anticoagulation. Results: The incidence of hematuria in the ant
icoagulated and control groups was 0.05 and 0.08 per 100 patient-month
s, respectively. The prevalence of hematuria was 3.2% in the anticoagu
lated group and 4.8% in the control group. Genitourinary tract disease
was identified in 81% of patients with more than one episode of micro
scopic hematuria, and the cause of hematuria did not vary between grou
ps. There was no correlation between the level of anticoagulation and
the incidence of hematuria. Conclusions: Anticoagulation at currently
recommended levels does not predispose patients to hematuria. Identifi
able genitourinary tract disease is present in the majority of anticoa
gulated patients with microscopic hematuria.