Coats' disease is characterized by teleangieclatic and aneurysmal chan
ges of the retinal Vessels with secondary intra-and subretinal exudate
s. In most cases vision can be preserved by therapy at an early stage.
In rare, advanced cases a total retinal detachment causes amaurosis.
This case is the first: description of Coats' disease associated with
DiGeorge-Syndrome. We report the case of an eight year old boy, who su
ffered from headache after ear surgery (tympanoplastic type I). Retino
blastoma could be exluded and Coats' disease was diagnosed by ophthalm
oscopy, computertomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Discussion:
Until today the cause of Coats' disease is unknown. The coincidence w
ith DiGeorge-Syndrome seems to be accidental.