Objektive: Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy occurs at a frequency of
0.6-2.5 per 1000 births. 80-95% of these lesions recover spontaneously
. Should spontaneous recovery not occur within the first 6 months of l
ife, electrophysiological examination CT-Myelography, and surgical exp
loration of the brachial plexus are recommended. Methods: Seven childr
en who had obstetrical brachial plexus palsies were operated over a fi
ve year period among 99 operations of traumatic brachial plexus injuri
es. In 617 children we found nerve root avulsions. In two cases we per
formed a neurotisation, in four nerve grafting after neuroma excision
and in one an external neurolysis of the brachial plexus. Results: So
far, we only have a long-term follow-up in 3/7 children (26-42 months)
. All these children showed clinically regeneration of grafted nerves.
Full recovery of the brachial plexus lesions was limited because of c
oncomitant nerve root avulsions. Conclusion: We recommend decision for
surgery at the age of 6-9 months. Physical therapy and options includ
ing muscle transfers and orthopedic procedures must be available to en
sure the optimal outcome for these children.