DNA metabolic events such as replication, repair and recombination req
uire the concerted action of several enzymes and cofactors. Nature has
provided a set of proteins that support DNA polymerases in performing
processive, accurate and rapid DNA synthesis. Two of them, the prolif
erating cell nuclear antigen and its adapter protein replication facto
r C, cooperate to form a moving platform that was initially thought of
only as an anchor point for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon. It now
appears that proliferating cell nuclear antigen is also a communicati
on point between a variety of important cellular processes including c
ell cycle control, DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair, post-r
eplication mismatch repair, base excision repair and at least one apop
totic pathway. The dynamic movement of proliferating cell nuclear anti
gen on and off the DNA renders this protein an ideal communicator for
a variety of proteins that are essential for DNA metabolic events in e
ukaryotic cells.