In computer vision, one of the ultimate aims is the determination of g
eometric properties of 3-dimensional objects in our real world from me
asured data. As an expression intermediate between measured raw data a
nd geometric properties, we need a method of representing objects in c
omputers. For the object representations, geometry which uses only fin
ite-precision numbers is necessary because in computers we can only ma
nipulate finite-precision numbers. In this paper, we develop a new geo
metry, which we call discrete combinatorial geometry due to the discre
teness of the space of finite-precision numbers, applying fundamental
definitions of classical combinatorial geometry. Using discrete combin
atorial geometry, we introduce a new method for representing curves, s
urfaces and objects in computers. We also show that our new representa
tion is based on the fact that the boundary of a surface consists of c
urves and the boundary of an object consists of surfaces. (C) 1997 Pat
tern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.