Conventional fixation of large solid surgical specimens is a slow proc
ess. Consequently, autolytic damage to tissues may occur if the fixati
ve does not reach the central part of the specimen in time. However, a
s there is also a time relationship between formalin fixation and anti
gen masking, fixation for too long can also be detrimental. In seeking
the optimum balance for fixation, microwave irradiation might be of a
ssistance. This study set out to evaluate methods for fixing entire pr
ostate glands within a brief period of time, using microwave-stimulate
d formalin fixation, The results show that entire prostates can be opt
imally fixed if formalin is present throughout the tissue as the tempe
rature is increased by microwave irradiation. This is achieved by inje
cting the fixative into the prostate at multiple sites immediately fol
lowing prostatectomy. The technique described ensures standardization
of a critical step during tissue processing, leading to uniform micros
copic results with both routine and immunohistochemical stains. It is
a simple, rapid method, suitable for routine diagnostic use. Using thi
s modified approach, DNA of much larger sizes can be extracted from pa
raffin-embedded material, which could expand the possibilities for mol
ecular analysis. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.