To examine whether dietary fat and cholesterol modifies lung cancer ri
sk, a case-control study was conducted in Uruguay of 426 men diagnosed
from 1993 to 1996 with lung cancer, and 419 hospitalized frequency-ma
tched controls. Dietary patterns were assessed using a 64-item food fr
equency questionnaire, which allowed the calculation of total energy i
ntake. After adjustment for potential confounders through a model whic
h included tobacco smoking, total energy, a term for all vegetables an
d fruits, and alpha-carotene intake, an increase in risk for total fat
intake for all cell types of lung cancer was observed. Adenocarcinoma
of the lung was associated strongly with saturated fat intake (odds r
atio [OR] = 2.3, 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-4.4), where
as small-cell lung cancer was associated with dietary cholesterol (OR
= 2.8, CI = 1.1-7.5). These results suggest that the association of sa
turated fat and cholesterol could be type-specific, but the high corre
lation existing between dietary lipids precludes any strong statement
about this point.