During the past 5 years, we have applied high-resolution geophysical m
ethods [crosswell seismic and electromagnetics (EM) and passive seismi
c] to map and characterize petroleum reservoirs in the San Joaquin Val
ley and to monitor changes during secondary-recovery operations. The t
wo techniques provide complementary information. Seismic data reveal t
he reservoir structure, whereas EM measurements are more sensitive to
the pore-fluid distribution. Seismic surveys at the South Belridge fie
ld were used to map fracture generation and monitor formation changes
caused by the onset of steamflooding. Early results show possible sens
itivity to changes in gas saturation caused by the steamflooding. Cros
swell EM surveys were applied at a shallow pilot at Lost Hills for res
ervoir characterization and steamflood monitoring. Images made from ba
seline data clearly show the distribution of the target oil sands; rep
eated surveys during the steamflood allowed us to identify the boundar
ies of the steam chest and to predict breakthrough accurately. Applica
tions of the EM techniques in steel-cased wells are at an early stage,
but preliminary results at Lost Hills show sensitivity to formation r
esistivity in a waterflood pilot.