The sub-optimal growth of phytoplankton and the resulting persistence
of unutilized plant nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) in the surface w
aters of certain ocean regions has been a longstanding puzzle(1,2). Of
these regions, the Southern Ocean seems to play the greatest role in
the global carbon cycle(3,4), but controversy exists as to the dominan
t controls on net algal production. Limitation by iron deficiency(4,5)
, light availability(1,6,7) and grazing by zooplankton(2) have been pr
oposed. Here we present the results from culture experiments showing t
hat the amount of cellular iron needed to support growth is higher und
er lower light intensities, owing to a greater requirement for photosy
nthetic iron-based redox proteins by low-light acclimatized algae. Mor
eover, algal iron uptake varies with cell surface area, such that the
growth of small cells is favoured under iron limitation, as predicted
theoretically(8). Phytoplankton growth can therefore be simultaneously
limited by the availability of both iron and light. Such a co-limitat
ion may be experienced by phytoplankton in iron-poor regions in which
the surface mixed layer extends below the euphotic zone-as often occur
s in the Southern Ocean(6,7)-or near the bottom of the euphotic zone i
n more stratified waters. By favouring the growth of smaller cells, ir
on/light co-limitation should increase grazing by microzooplankton, an
d thus minimize the loss of fixed carbon and nitrogen from surface wat
ers in settling particles(9,10).