First commercially introduced in 1990, AlGaInP light emitting diodes (
LED's) currently are the highest (luminous) efficiency visible solid-s
tate emitters produced to date in the red through yellow spectral regi
me. The attainment of this high-efficiency performance is a result of
the development of advanced metalorganic chemical vapor deposition cry
stal growth techniques, which have facilitated the high-quality growth
of this quaternary alloy as well as the implementation of complex dev
ice designs. Furthermore, the highest efficiency family of AlGaInP dev
ices (based upon a transparent-substrate platform and commercially int
roduced in 1994) have been realized as result of the development and i
mplementation of direct compound semiconductor wafer bonding technolog
y. As a result, the luminous efficiency of AlGaInP LED's exceeds or ri
vals that of unfiltered incandescent lamps and other conventional ligh
ting sources. Further improvements in these techniques (and the realiz
ation of efficient, high-power LED's) are expected to make AlGaInP LED
's even more competitive with conventional lamp technology, thus enhan
cing the position of LED's in many applications as a preferred lightin
g source.