The buried penis is a Fare congenital entity, whose treatment is surgi
cal. There are few publications concerning this matter. The authors re
port on their experience in 10 cases (1990-1995). In this abnormality
the tip of the glans does not project from the pubic or scrotal skin.
It is due to: 1) an excessive development of the penile fascia which r
etracts the penis; 2) insufficient attachment of the penile skin at th
e base of the penis; 3) often excessive prepubic fat worsens the appea
rance of the abnormality but does not by itself totally explain it; 4)
a tight phimosis is often present. Surgical treatment is necessary be
cause this aspect tends to persist even after puberty. One cannot inde
ed count on the development at the age of puberty, neither on the dimi
nution of the fat, nor on the simple cure of the phimosis. One must ab
ove all ban circumcision which causes the risk of eliminating the skin
necessary for reconstruction. The surgical procedure will comprise: 1
) a longitudinal dorsal incision extended circumferentially; 2) resect
ion of the thickened fascia penis; 3) anchoring of the deep face of th
e dermis to the proximal part of the fascia penis at the base of the p
enis. This surgical procedure has always brought a significant improve
ment to the appearance of the penis.