The antisaccade eye movement task, which has been linked to frontal lo
be function, presents a target in one visual field and asks subjects t
o move their eyes to the same location in the opposite field. The task
requires inhibition of the reflexive prosaccade to the cue, initiatio
n of the antisaccade to the opposite field, and visuo-spatial memory o
f the cue location. Forty-two subjects from 19-79 years of age perform
ed this task and a control task, visually guided saccades to the cue i
tself, to determine which functions are affected by aging. The time to
initiate antisaccades increased linearly with age at a rate greater t
han the time to initiate visually guided saccades. This difference sug
gests that the processing time to inhibit the incorrect movement to th
e cue is selectively increased with age. Older subjects also made more
incorrect prosaccadic movements to the cue, a finding consistent with
the loss of inhibitory processing capacity. The accuracy of movements
did not change, which suggests that visuo-spatial memory is unaffecte
d by aging. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.