Radionuclide contamination of soils in Rocky Flats, Color ado, resulte
d from leaking drums of Pu-contaminated oil stored at an outdoor area.
To evaluate the mechanisms of radionuclide transport From the contami
nated soils to groundwater, an advanced monitoring system was installe
d across a toposequence. The impact of natural rain, snowmelt, and lar
ge-scale vain simulations on the mobility and distribution of the radi
onuclides in soil interstitial water was studied. The distribution of
radionuclides during the monitoring period from 1993 to 1995 suggested
that Pu-239 + 240 and Am-241 are largely immobile in semi-arid soils.
Large-scale min simulations with a 100-year recurrence interval occas
ionally remobilized large fluxes of radionuclides that constitute betw
een 1 and 3.3% of the stored Pu and Am in these soils. Fractionation o
f Pu-239 + 240 and Am-241 to different particle sizes in the soil inte
rstitial water suggested that most of the radionuclides (83-97%) were
associated with suspended particles, whereas the level of radionuclide
s associated with colloidal (0.45 mu m > X > 1 nm) and nonfilterable (
< 1 nm) fractions ranged from 1.5 to 15%. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Lt