Several branch-and-bound algorithms for the exact solution of the asym
metric traveling salesman problem (ATSP), based on the assignment prob
lem (AP) relaxation, have been proposed in the literature. These algor
ithms perform very well for some instances (e.g., those with uniformly
random integer costs), but very poorly for others. The aim of this pa
per is to evaluate the effectiveness of a branch-and-cut algorithm exp
loiting ATSP-specific facet-defining cuts, to be used to attack hard i
nstances that cannot be solved by the AP-based procedures from the lit
erature. We present new separation algorithms for some classes of face
t-defining cuts, and a new variable-pricing technique for dealing with
highly degenerate primal LP problems. A branch-and-cut algorithm base
d on these new results is designed and evaluated through computational
analysis on several classes of both random and real-world instances.
The outcome of the research is that, on hard instances, the branch-and
-cut algorithm clearly outperforms the best AP-based algorithms from t
he literature.