This paper examines air and soil temperature, their variabilities, and
their relationships with decomposition and ground flora diversity wit
hin an oak Quercus forest in the southeastern Missouri Ozarks (USA). W
e conducted 3 experiments with 9 mobile weather stations at Missouri O
zark Forest Ecosystem Project (MOFEP) study sites from September 1994
to August 1995. We used the cotton strip assay technique to quantify d
ecomposition rate and Simpson's diversity index to evaluate the divers
ity of the ground flora. We found that air temperature at each site di
ffered significantly from every other site (p < 0.001) based on a temp
oral scale of 20 min; this was also the case for soil temperature (p <
0.001). The spatial variation of soil temperature was consistently gr
eater than that of air temperature. The spatial Variation of air tempe
rature increased with increasing spatial scale. Spatial variation of s
oil temperature increased rapidly from the 0 to ca 40 m scale, then de
creased slowly before it began to increase again at a spatial scale of
ca 700 m. Temperature was not highly correlated to decomposition rate
in the study area (correlation coefficients were 0.51 and 0.64 for ai
r and soil temperature, respectively). The spatial variation of temper
ature was inversely related to the species diversity of the ground flo
ra (R-2 was 0.87, 0.93, and 0.76 for air, soil surface, and soil tempe
rature, respectively, at the 400 m scale). These results suggest that
temperature Variation can be quite significant, even at the stand leve
l, and can impact some ecological patterns and processes at the same s