Erechtites valerianaefolia DC. (Asteraceae) is a Brazilian wild herbac
eous species with economic and nutritive potential due to its high con
tent of vitamin A. The seeds were submitted to 22 treatments with 5 re
plications of 50 seeds each one, including stratification, scarificati
on, different substrates, KNO3, sodium hypochlorite, seeds with differ
ent ages, light and darkness, as well as combinations of these treatme
nts, with the objective of evaluating its germination pattern under la
boratory conditions. The seeds of capicova are positively photoblastic
and present higher germinability when collected during the winter sea
son (April to September). The substrates, agar or filter paper, did no
t modify the germinability of the seeds. The use of KNO3 stimulated se
ed germination and decreased the average germination time. Sodium hypo
chlorite inhibited germination of seeds in 24% and retarded the proces
s almost three days in relation to the control treatment.