Objective: To study the levels of glutathione S-transferase Alpha 1-1
and glutathione S-transferase Pi 1-1 in human preovulatory ovarian fol
licular fluid (FF) and pooled granulosa and cumulus cells. Design: The
relation of glutathione S-transferase Alpha 1-1 and glutathione S-tra
nsferase Pi 1-1 with P and 17 beta-E-2 concentrations were studied. Se
tting: The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Department of
Gastroenterology, and the Laboratory of Endocrinology and Reproduction
of the University Hospital Nijmegen in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Pat
ient(s): Infertile women participating in an IVF program. Result(s): D
etectable amounts of glutathione S-transferase Alpha 1-1 and glutathio
ne S-transferase Pi 1-1 were found in ovarian FF and pooled cumulus an
d granulosa cells. Concentrations of glutathione S-transferase Alpha 1
-1 were always much higher than those of glutathione S-transferase Pi
1-1. Both ovarian FF concentrations of glutathione S-transferase Alpha
1-1 and glutathione S-transferase Pi 1-1 did not correlate with ovari
an FF concentrations of 17 beta-E-2 and P. Conclusion(s): The high FF
concentrations of glutathione S-transferase Pi 1-1 and especially of g
lutathione S-transferase Alpha 1-1 suggest that these enzymes may play
an important role in the detoxification processes in the follicles. T
he lack of correlation between follicular P and 17 beta-E-2 and glutat
hione S-transferase Alpha 1-1 and glutathione S-transferase Pi 1-1 ind
icates that both enzymes presumably are not present as a result of the
high steroid levels. (C) 1997 by American Society for Reproductive Me