IN A SERIES of 40 patients undergoing an awake craniotomy for the remo
val of a glioma of the dominant hemisphere temporal lobe, cortical sti
mulation mapping was used to localize essential language sites. These
sites were localized to distinct temporal lobe sectors and compared wi
th 83 patients without tumors who had undergone language mapping for t
he treatment of intractable epilepsy. In patients with and without tem
poral lobe gliomas, the superior temporal gyrus contained significantl
y more language sites than the middle temporal gyrus. Both patient pop
ulations also had language sites anterior to the central sulcus in the
superior temporal gyrus (12-16%). The patients without tumors had sig
nificantly more language sites in the superior temporal gyrus, compare
d with the superior temporal gyrus of patients with temporal lobe tumo
rs. Multiple variables were studied for their effect on preoperative a
nd postoperative language deficits and included age, sex, number of la
nguage sites, histology, size of the tumor, and the distance of tumor
resection margins from the nearest language site. The distance of the
resection margin from the nearest language site was the most important
variable in determining the improvement in preoperative language defi
cits, the duration of postoperative language deficits, and whether the
postoperative language deficits were permanent. If the distance of th
e resection margin from the nearest language site was > 1 cm, signific
antly fewer permanent language deficits occurred. Cortical stimulation
mapping for the identification of essential language sites in patient
s with gliomas of the dominant hemisphere temporal lobe will maximize
the extent of tumor resection and minimize permanent language deficits