An hypothesis for the sequence of events in myocardial ischaemic preco
nditioning is presented. Comparisons are made with Ca-preconditioning
and protection in the Ca-paradox. Ischaemic preconditioning is initiat
ed by the stimulation of phospholipase C via the mediation of G protei
ns and the diacylglycerol generated promotes the translocation of prot
ein kinase C from the cytosol to the sarcolemma. Membrane-based protei
n kinase C then promotes the phosphorylation of a transmembrane oxido-
reductase and thereby inhibits the switching of this enzyme complex an
d blocks the cellular damage pathway, so producing the early, classic
preconditioning. Protein kinase C also triggers gene transcription and
the consequent production of heat shock proteins which provide the se
cond window of protection.