Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was performed on 21 presumed normal Be
agle-type dogs, The size and symmetry of their lateral ventricles mere
evaluated and dogs were categorized on the basis of the percentage of
their ventricular height (Vh) to brain height (Bh) and the ratio of t
he largest to the smallest ventricular area (rVA). Eleven dogs had lat
eral ventricles classified as normal sized (0-14% Vh/Bh) while 10 of 2
1 dogs had moderate enlargement (15-25% Vh/Bh) of one or both lateral
ventricles, None of the dogs had severe lateral ventricular enlargemen
t, Degree of asymmetry was also arbitrarily categorized on basis of rV
A as normal to minimal (rVA < 1.5), mild (1.5 < rVA < 2.0), or severe
(2.0 < rVA). Of the dogs having normal-sized lateral ventricles; six o
f eleven had symmetric, three of eleven had mildly asymmetric and two
of eleven had severely asymmetric lateral ventricles, Of the dogs havi
ng at least one moderately enlarged lateral ventricles, five of ten ha
d symmetric lateral ventricles, and tno of ten had mild asymmetry and
three of ten had severe asymmetry, Gender and body weight had no stati
stical relationship to lateral ventricle symmetry. Clinically insignif
icant ventricular enlargement and asymmetry was common in this group o
f Beagle dogs.