Turtle eye movements were measured during full-field horizontal optoki
netic stimulation under closed and open loop conditions. Because these
animals display unyoked slow-phase eye movement behavior, open loop s
timulation could not be presented to a paralyzed eye, while monitoring
the position of the contralateral eye. The turtle's optokinetic refle
x loop was opened electronically by a continuous adjustment of the pat
tern's position that effectively canceled the effect of the movement o
f the recorded eye. The highest open loop gains (2-3) were observed at
low speeds (<1 deg/sec), demonstrating a more limited speed range and
lower gain in turtle than in the mammalian optokinetic system. These
results in the intact animal can be correlated with the visual respons
e properties of the turtle's pretectum and accessory optic system reco
rded in vitro. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.