In wide and active continental plate boundary zones, ductile flow in t
he deeper and strong parts of the lithosphere may control crustal defo
rmation. This is likely if average resistive shear stresses on faults
in the brittle crust are much less than 10(8) Pa and the underlying bu
lk effective viscosity is much greater than 10(21) Pa s. In this case,
a simple model of distributed deformation, referred to as the floatin
g block model, may be useful. This treats the crust as an array of rot
ating and translating rigid blocks, which are floating on an underlyin
g continuous flow with a constant rheology. The model is analyzed in d
etail in this paper because it has the potential to link detailed obse
rvations of crustal deformation with the large-scale flow. Crustal blo
cks are defined by at least two sets of faults. The kinematics of crus
tal deformation can be described in terms of the motions of these bloc
ks. Both the relative motion on block boundaries (faults) and block ti
lting about a horizontal axis can be described in terms of the underly
ing flow and block rotation about a vertical axis. However, rotations
about a vertical axis, which are an important component of the crustal
deformation, will depend not only on the underlying flow but also on
the shape, orientation and arrangement of the crustal blocks. The aver
age rotation rate about a vertical axis, over finite rotations, will b
e significantly different from that predicted at any instant. Also, th
e rotation history is considerably complicated if, as is likely, the u
nderlying flow field, or block shape, has changed with time. These asp
ects of crustal deformation are discussed with reference to real zones
of active deformation in New Zealand, Greece and western North Americ