Analysis of problem solving strategies reveals that although there is
no universal, generic problem-solving process, there is a clinical rea
soning process that is specific and highly tailored to the complexity
of each clinical problem. Research reveals that successful problem sol
vers must possess comprehensive knowledge, but that the way they organ
ize and understand their knowledge is even more critical. Moreover, us
ing ''schemes'' for both learning and problem solving provides the adv
antage of combining the creation of a knowledge structure and a search
-and-retrieval strategy into a single operation. (A ''scheme'' in this
context is a mental categorization of knowledge that includes a parti
cular organized way of understanding and responding to a complex situa
tion.) The implication for medical education is that a comprehensive k
nowledge domain must be appropriately organized for knowledge mastery,
which in turn is essential for clinical problem solving. Problem-solv
ing strategies must be specific for each problem and not based on the
assumption of a universal generic process. Consequently, a new taxonom
y of medical problems is recommended, along with an altered problem-ba
sed learning (PBL) format. The ''hypothetico-deductive'' strategy trad
itionally used in PBL should be replaced by scheme-driven search strat
egies so that students develop a more organized and logical approach t
o problem solving.