The purpose of this pictorial essay is to describe the different mammo
graphic aspects of residual Lipiodol ultra fluid (LUF) after galactogr
aphy, and to define some specific patterns, because it may in some cas
es mimic microcalcifications ansi give diagnostic problems. The mammog
rams of 14 patients, aged 32-63 years, presenting LUF residues related
to previous galactography, were analyzed retrospectively. In 12 cases
the diagnosis was easy because the patients presented a typical patte
rn on mammography and came with their initial galactography. In 2 case
s the diagnosis was more difficult because the patients did not rememb
er the previous injection and the progressive resorption mimicked perf
ectly intraductal calcification. Benign duct ectasia with inflammatory
reaction to foreign bodies were found in 3 cases in which surgery was
performed. Lipiodol ultra fluid is no longer used for galactography,
but it may persist in breast ducts or cysts for years and seems to sti
ll be used in some countries. There are in most cases specific signs e
nabling the diagnosis.