The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Leflunomide
(Lef), alone or in combination with a suboptimal dose of cyclosporine
(CsA), on rat allogeneic islet transplantation. Two thousands islets
were transplanted under the left kidney capsule of a streptozocin-indu
ced diabetic Lewis recipient. In the ACI to Lewis combination, the mea
n survival time (MST) of the untreated group was 5.2+/-0.8 days. Lef a
t 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg/day for 14 days significantly prolonged MSTs to
19.0+/-1.6, 29.8+/-3.7, and 29.0+/-5.3 days (P<0.01), respectively. C
sA at 5 mg/kg/day also prolonged graft survival to 21+/-3.5 days. When
CsA (5 mg/kg/day) was combined with Lef (5 or 10 mg/kg/day) and admin
istered for 14 days, the survival rate of the islet allografts was fur
ther increased to 34.8+/-4.7 and 36.0+/-6.6 days, respectively. When L
ef or CsA monotherapy was extended to 28 days at a dose of 5 mg/kg/day
, MSTs were further increased to 45.8+/-8.8 or 37.4+/-4.7 days, respec
tively. Graft MST was 56.4+/-9.9 days when Lef and CsA combination the
rapy was administered for 28 days. In the Brown-Norway to Lewis combin
ation, MST of the allogeneic islets in untreated rats was 6.2+/-0.8 da
ys. When Lef or CsA alone, at 5 mg/kg/day, was administered for 28 day
s, two of seven Lef-treated rats remained normoglycemia for more than
100 days, Graft survival longer than 100 days occurred in one of five
CsA-treated rats, and in five of eight rats treated with the combinati
on of Lef and CsA. The graft-bearing left kidney was removed after 100
days in rats with functional islet allografts, and a second Brown-Nor
way islet graft was transplanted into the right kidney, In all recipie
nts, the second graft was rejected by 9.8+/-1.5 days. In summary, our
findings demonstrate that Lef prolonged allogeneic islet graft surviva
l, and its immunosuppressive effect was improved when combined with Cs