To determine the factors that influence a female's decision of whether
or not to re-lay, we removed first clutches from 17 marked female Tre
e Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in a nest-box population in eastern O
ntario, Canada. Females and nests were then monitored to determine whe
ther a replacement clutch was laid. Forty-one percent of females laid
replacement clutches. First clutches of those females that laid replac
ement clutches were significantly larger than those elf females that d
id not relay. This suggests that female quality, indicated by having h
igher levels of expendable energy or greater foraging skill or efficie
ncy, is the determining factor as to whether or not a replacement clut
ch will be laid. For birds that re-laid, the replacement clutch was si
gnificantly smaller than the first clutch. This suggests either a depl
etion of energy reserves with each subsequent nesting attempt, or an i
ndividual female's energetic tradeoffs to ensure her own survival to t
he next breeding season.