Neonatal inguinal herniotomy is recognised by paediatric surgeons to b
e a potentially difficult procedure. This study reviewed the clinical,
operative, and outcome details of 74 infants undergoing herniotomy at
less than 44 weeks' gestation with particular reference to the incide
nce of complications such as recurrent hernia and testicular atrophy.
Follow-up information was obtained in 69 patients (93%, mean follow-up
, 8.1 months), There were 8 recurrent hernias in 5 patients (2 bilater
al recurrences, 1 second recurrence) giving an overall hernia recurren
ce rate of 8.6%, There was only 1 case of testicular atrophy (secondar
y to a wound infection and scrotal abscess). Despite the provision of
a consultant-led service, the recurrence rate in neonates is much high
er than that seen in the paediatric population as a whole, In light of
commissioners' current demands for quality standards and managed heal
thcare, it is important that outcomes in this high-risk group are defi
ned separately from those of other patients undergoing inguinal hernio
tomy. Copyright (C) 1997 by W.B. Saunders Company.