Purpose: Although anticoagulation therapy for iliofemoral venous throm
bosis prevents pulmonary embolism, it is not designed to avoid the pos
tthrombotic syndrome. Mechanical removal of the thrombus in the form o
f venous thrombectomy should yield better long-term results. The purpo
se of our study was to analyze the clinical outcome and venous valvula
r function of limbs 5 to 13 years after iliofemoral venous thrombectom
y. Methods: Seventy-seven lower extremities underwent venous thrombect
omy for acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis and were monitored for a m
ean follow-up of 8 1/2 years (range, 5 to 13 years). Patency of the il
iofemoral venous system, competence of the femoral popliteal valves, a
nd clinical signs and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency were ev
aluated in each case. Results: Subsequent to early perioperative failu
re, patency remained stable over time at 84%. Valvular competence was
preserved in 80% at 5 years; however, it decreased to 56% at 10 years.
It is important that more than 90% of the limbs had no symptoms or mi
ld symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. Conclusions: Venous throm
bectomy should be considered for primary treatment in selected cases o
f early iliofemoral venous thrombosis.