Frostbite injury causes damage by direct ice crystal formation at the
cellular level with cellular dehydration and microvascular occlusion.
Acute treatment is well defined with rapid tissue rewarming. Definitiv
e surgical therapy is usually delayed until a clear level of demarcati
on is seen. Technium (Tc)-99 bone scanning has become the standard ima
ging study employed within the first several days to assess tissue per
fusion and viability. We present 2 patients with severe frostbite inju
ry in which magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance an
giography (MRA) were compared to Tc-99 bone scans. MRI/MRA appears to
be superior to bone scanning by allowing direct visualization of occlu
ded vessels, imaging of surrounding tissues, and by showing a more cle
ar-cut line of demarcation of ischemic tissue, MRI/MRA may also allow
early intervention in cases of severe frostbite, thus preventing secon
dary infection and increased cost.