Using the 1993 crash of Amtruk's Sunset Limited in Mobile, Alabama, th
is study examines the safety education provided by seven newspapers. A
total of 117 news stories were analysed for five primary themes: over
all story category, passenger safety theme, train personnel safety the
me, train safety theme and rescue safety. Sixty-three pel cent were fo
und to contain at least one safety theme paragraph within the larger s
tory. A total of 631 paragraphs were identified as safety theme paragr
aphs, 32 per cent of which were passenger safety themes, 8 per cent we
re train personnel safety, 31 per cent were train safety and 29 pet ce
nt were rescue safety themes. As in previous research, safety themes r
arely appeared alone; more often than not, a story contained a mixture
of all themes. Some safety themes appeared more frequently than other
s, but overall the safety themes present a complete view of the safety
issues surrounding the crash. Safety themes are embedded within a sto
ry framework which reflects the three stages of disaster news work. Im
ages of normalcy tragically disrupted by the crash abound as do images
of passengers escaping and aiding others, Disaster relief personnel a
nd aviation officials are shown working to restore order and solve tit
le mystery of the crash, Within this framework we can learn what to ex
pect when a train crashes and what we might have to do in a similar si