Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of tripler ultrasound (TUS) compared
with venography as a screening test for deep venous thrombosis (DVT),
and to evaluate interobserver variation in the interpretation of the
venographic studies. Material and Methods: A total of 133 postoperativ
e hip fracture patients, asymptomatic of DVT, were prospectively exami
ned with TUS and venography. All venograms were reviewed blindly and i
n case of disagreement a consensus was arrived at. Results: The incide
nce of DVT was 20%, with isolated calf vein thrombi in 63% of the case
s. There were 7 false-negative and one false-positive result/s at TUS,
with a sensitivity of 74%, specificity of 99% and accuracy of 97%. Th
e kappa values ranged from 0.58 to 0.82. The false-negative results we
re all caused by missed calf vein thrombi in technically inadequate ex
aminations. At sonography 2% of vein segments were noninterpretable, c
ompared to 29% at venography.Conclusion: Venous US is less sensitive a
s a test for DVT in this study of asymptomatic patients than in earlie
r studies on symptomatic patients. Still, sonographic screening of hig
h-risk patients would be both effective and cost effective. Fresh thro
mbi may cause a false-negative compression test.