This study assessed the accuracy of self-reported Pap smear utilisatio
n over four different time frames, examining the magnitude of errors i
n self-report and sociodemographic predictors of accuracy. Self-report
data on women's cervical screening was collected by interview in a ra
ndom household survey (Hunter Region, NSW, Australia), with pathology
laboratory data collected by a search of records within laboratories.
The magnitude of error in self-report was assessed by comparing it aga
inst longer intervals in pathology laboratory data. Sociodemographic p
redictors of accuracy were explored using chi square analyses. Low val
ues for specificity and positive predictive value across all four time
frames indicate a considerable degree of inaccuracy in women's report
ing of those instances where, in truth, screening has not occurred. Of
women reporting a smear within the last three years, only 61.2% were
verified within pathology laboratory records. Allowing women some ''le
eway'' in their reporting, comparing self-report to longer intervals o
f pathology laboratory data, did not greatly improve the accuracy of r
eporting, confirming that the magnitude of inaccuracy involved is of r
eal clinical significance. Demographic variables were not related to t
he accuracy of self-report and, while a woman's certainty of her respo
nse was predictive, this had little impact on the measures of agreemen
t. Self-report of Pap smear histories consistently results in over-rep
orting of screening. Other means of assessing the prevalence of screen
ing may be preferable to self-report. Where self-report data is collec
ted, techniques to improve accuracy should be employed, and care shoul
d be taken in comparing screening rates obtained by different methods.
(C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.