To improve the surgical outcome in patients with radiation enteritis,
18 female cases were analyzed, Out of the 18 cases, 3 (16.7%) were tre
ated conservatively while 15 (83.3%) underwent surgical procedures. Th
irteen out of 14 patients (92.8%) with ileus underwent an operation, T
he overall mortality was 22.2% (4 out of 18 cases), However, no signif
icant difference in the mortality between the operated and non-operate
d cases was observed, Although an analysis of the 15 operated cases di
d not reveal any significant factors that might have affected the prog
nosis, all four patients who underwent a bypass operation showed a goo
d postoperative course, with only one exception being a patient suffer
ing from malnutrition, Although only a small number of patients were i
ncluded in this study, these results suggest that 1) surgeons should n
ot hesitate to operate on patients with radiation enteritis demonstrat
ing ileus, and 2) a bypass operation may be one surgical alternative i
n the presence of massive adhesion or for patients at high risk for a
standard operation.